La FUNDACION CASA SERRA presenta la nueva edición de Becarios 2015, tras el éxito conseguido en la primera edición de Julio 2014.
English translation at the bottom.
Seguiremos con el formato de los Campos Juveniles y Tours (Edad 20-25 años) que junta a participantes de varios países y se realiza por lo general en el verano. Los campos pueden tener temas como la cultura, la naturaleza, la lengua, y la participación en un proyecto de trabajo comunitario (Fundación Casa Junípero Serra.) Al juntar a participantes internacionales, los campus promueven la tolerancia cultural y la comprensión mutua.
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Convocamos 8 plazas, y 4 para México y 4 para USA.
Ocho Becas de dos semanas en Mallorca, desde el 5 al 19 de Julio de 2015, para estudiantes de entre 20 y 25 años de edad,que cursen estudios en la Universidad.
La estancia será en Petra (pueblo natal del Padre Serra), salvo el fin de semana que residirán en la zona turística de Palma y tendrán más libertad de movimientos..
Cada Club Rotario les ofrecerá algún evento social, visitas y excursiones por zonas turísticas, mejorando su movilidad en la isla.
Los becarios residirán en Petra y se desplazarán a la capital, Palma, y la universidad en tren. Deberán obligarse a realizar un trabajo de historia o arte sobre la Casa Serra, el Convento Franciscano o el Museo Fray Junípero Serra, todos ellos en Petra, durante las dos semanas de estancia becada; deberán, asimismo, estar avalados por un club Rotario o una Universidad.
Con la colaboración de los otros Clubs Rotarios de Mallorca, las Becas concedidas por la FUNDACION CASA SERRA incluirán:
• Estancia en la Residencia de Petra.
• Bono de desayuno y comida en un restaurante de Petra.
• Bono de transporte diario en tren Petra–Palma–Petra.
• Inscripción en un Cursillo de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares (UIB)
El viaje de ida y vuelta, seguros, y gastos personales, deberán ser asumidos por los becarios o los Clubs rotarios y/o las Universidades que los avalen.
Julio de 2014, Comida de Despedida en la casa rural de Juan Gomila
Despedida en el Aeropuerto de Palma bajo el símbolo Rotario de Bienvenida, Jaime Jaume Vicepresidente 2013-14 del RCMallorca, Alejandra, Rene, Dora, y Emilio Martínez-Almoyna Presidente de la Fundación y RCMallorca 2013-14.
Our club bought in 1931 the family house in Petra (Majorca) where Father Serra spent most of his childhood and youth, with the intention of creating permanent links between Majorca and Sierra Gorda and California as well as with the Rotarian purpose of helping the development of mutual acquaintance as an opportunity to serve and foster understanding, goodwill and peace between our nations. Later on, in 1981, we set up the FUNDACIÓN CASA SERRA to become the legal owner of that house.
Wishing to comply with the intentions of those who preceded us at the Rotary Club de Mallorca, and to start the creation of permanent bonds between Majorca and California, making good use of the Rotarian spirit we share as well as of the Fray Juniper image and figure we both venerate, we offer a grant from just now with the format of the Youth Camps and Tours (Ages 20-25) who bring together participants from several countries and take place usually in summer. Camps may have themes such as culture, nature, language, and participation in a community service project (Fundación Fray Junípero Serra.) By bringing together international participants, camps promote cultural tolerance and international understanding through friendship.
We offer EIGHT SCHOLARSHIPS for two weeks in Majorca, in July 5 to 19 2015, for students of from 20 to 25 years of age studying at the university. 4 USA students and 4 Mexican students. They will stay in Petra (where Father Serra was born).
We had our first Camp in July 2014.
Social events, visits, and tourist trips will be offered to the scholars by Majorcan Rotary Clubs.
Persons awarded will have to produce a piece of work on history or art about the Serra House, the Franciscan Convent or the Fray Juniper Serra Museum, the three of them located in Petra, over the two weeks they will stay in Majorca; they will also have to be supported by a Rotary Club or a University. It would be advisable for them to have at least some knowledge of the Spanish language, though English is basically understood in Majorca.
With the cooperation of other six Rotary Clubs in Majorca, the scholarships granted by the FUNDACIÓN CASA SERRA will include:
A stay at the Petra Residence.
Voucher for breakfast and lunch at a restaurant in Petra.
Voucher for daily train transport Petra-Palma-Petra
Registration at the Balearic Islands University (UIB)
The return trip, insurance and personal expenses will have to be defrayed by the awardees or the Rotary Clubs and/or the Universities backing them.
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